Dauphin County Technical School
What is Web Development and Design like at Dauphin County Technical School? Well, I will give my perspective on the Web throughout my junior year. I will share what projects we did, what we learned from them, my favorite project, and what Web class is like. This way if you are a student wanting to switch your program of study or wanting to come to this school. This blog will give you a visual presentation of the Web Development and Design program.
Web Projects
In Web class, all we do is projects. There are only a handful of quizzes but 90% of it is all projects. In Web class, we do a bunch of projects using Visual Studio Code, Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects, Premiere, and Font Forge. With most of these projects, our teacher gave us the basics and we had to learn the program on our own. Of course, we could ask for help but it’s better to explore and learn it on your own.
In web class, We made websites, Web Forms, a personal logo, edited images, animated logos, our font, and a lot of other things. In terms of learning, we learned everything about WordPress, How Websites work, Components of a font, Cyber security, and law-related things.
Favorite Project
My favorite project in Web Development and Design was the final project. This final project was a non-profit organization (made up of an actual one) that was hosting a gala. We had to make an entire website from the ground up, including a presentation to show to the class Now in Web class, we do a ton of presentations you will get good at these quickly. I created a website about endangered bats along with 2 more people to help me. Now some struggles you will find in Web is not knowing how to use a program.
In this project, we used Elementor which is a plugin within WordPress that allows you to customize websites at an advanced level and is way faster than traditional coding. I did not know how to use it at a professional level to make this site. So within a day I knew everything about Elementor after a bunch of testing and playing around with it. An image of the website is below. This Website took less than 10 days to complete.

IS Web Development and Design For You?
The teacher and web class are a great environment. Our teacher is very good in the web design field, especially in other things like sales, marketing, and photography. We learned a lot from him this year. If you have problems outside of school or holidays he is understanding and will help out by helping out or allowing longer deadlines. He pushes his students to succeed and pushes them to get an internship by their Junior/Senior year. As long as you try and pay attention you can get out to the workforce pretty quickly.
In conclusion, Web Development and Design at Dauphin County Technical School is one of the best Web programs in the area. I shared what projects I did and what I learned from them. Along with my favorite project which was the nonprofit website, Endangered Echoes. I would recommend this Class to anyone interested In Web Development and Design as the teacher is one of the best as he knows all the skills that are needed to become successful in this industry.
I hope this blog encourages you to join Web Development and Design as this blog gives a good representation of this class. If you wish to learn more about Web you can see more of my blogs. I recommend looking at the “What is web hosting” blog.