About The Expert

My name is Mahdi Mosleh, and I’m currently a web development student at Dauphin County Technical School. If you’re looking for a website for your business, I can help make that happen. I bring first-hand experience in running businesses, which gives me valuable insights into what works and what doesn’t insights that many web developers might lack.

I focus on creating responsive websites using WordPress, which enables me to build sites quickly and efficiently much more effectively than basic hand coding. Alongside web development, I’m skilled in Adobe products, photography, and SEO, and I can manage social media accounts to enhance your online presence.

I have earned several certifications, including IC3, Google Digital Garage, and TestOut. With my blend of technical skills and real-world business experience, I’m confident I can create a website that not only meets your needs but also helps your business thrive.

Every day is a new chance to get better, and I take it seriously. I work hard, go to the gym, and learn something new whenever I can. I really don’t like parties and try to avoid them. I also stay away from things that waste my energy, like movies, scrolling on my phone, and smoking. With strong focus and commitment, I can deliver results that truly matter. Unlike many web developers who settle for mediocrity, I strive for excellence in everything I do.


