Website Color Trends for 2024


Did you know that the colors on your site have a big impact on user experience? Website color trends impact your users, branding, and visual appeal. If your website needs to be updated or you’re looking to make one, use the latest popular color trends. Being able to keep up with these will help a lot with sales and recognition. We will also go over an example of a site that updated its colors and how they were able to increase its sales. By the end of this blog, you will have the skills to make your website visually appealing and increase your sales and brand awareness. 

Color psychology

Now you may be asking yourself how do color trends affect a user’s psychology. You see colors affect a human’s behavior and emotions. You can use these colors to influence your customers. Kinda like mind control. Different colors and Schemes provide different emotions. For example, warm colors such as red and orange give off the excitement, and cool colors like blue and green give off calm and relaxation. There are some more examples below:

Red: Represents passion, excitement, and urgency. It can stimulate appetite and evoke strong emotions.

Blue: Symbolizes trust, reliability, and tranquility. Tech and financial brands often use it to convey a sense of security.

Green: Associated with nature, growth, and sustainability. It appeals to eco-friendly and health-conscious brands.

Yellow: Conveys optimism, energy, and happiness. It can catch attention and convey a positive message.

Purple: Represents luxury, creativity, and wisdom. High-end brands commonly use it.

UX Design

Color trends also have an impact on UX design. You can make your call to action a different color that stands out from the rest of the site making users want to click it. You can implement these tactics all over your website not just for the call to action. You can use color contrast to keep the user focused on the parts you want them to see. You can do this with your logo too! By adding a contrast color you can make your logo stand out on the page. If you use your color scheme correctly you will also help users find what they are looking for quickly and efficiently. 

Color Trends
Photo by Faizur Rehman on Unsplash

Picking Your Color Trend

When picking colors for your website or branding logo you want to make sure they line up with your message and the emotional connection that the colors may have with your target audience. For example, waste companies tend to make their branding logos green to show they are an eco-friendly company. This aligns with their message, makes it clear that they are a garbage company, and aligns with their target audience.  

Color Trends
Photo by Peter Stumpf on Unsplash


Airbnb is a great example of a color scheme update. Their website used to have lots of neon colors all over the site. Their logo used to be blue with bubble letters. Since there were so many neon colors there was way too much call to action. The site got attention everywhere which made it overwhelming for the user.

Color Trends
Photo by Pixasquare on Unsplash

Now the color scheme is black, white, and hot pink. The logo is now white. As soon as users load the site it gets straight to the point allowing them to book a place immediately. Before their call to action was weak because of the multiple colors but this color scheme makes the call to action pop out. This allowed their users to become less confused and swiftly find what they needed efficiently.


In conclusion, updating your website color scheme will greatly impact users, branding, and visual appeal. Making this change will allow your users to find what they are looking for quickly and efficiently. It will increase your brand recognition. Also, it will make your website more visually appealing. We can see these results from Airbnb. Their website used to have lots of neon colors, which made it confusing and looked hideous. Now its color scheme is simpler, less confusing, and easier to navigate. If your site could use an update go ahead and update your color scheme you will notice a big difference. If you need help with designing your website go to my blog
