How to Boost Your Marketing


Marketing can be difficult especially if you’re doing it on your own. It may take much work to show everyone your product or service. A website and a good social media page are tools you need to advertise your business to the world. Having a visually appealing website and a well-updated social media allows people to find you. This also builds credibility and trust among your target audience. As you receive customers you get reviews showing social proof of your business. These will help your business expand and grow to new heights. 

Marketing with a Website

Using a website can help your target audience get to know you. They can find what they need, learn about what you do, find where you’re located, and do tons of other things. This is also where you will be showing off your product or service to your target audience. But to do this we need to go over the design and functionality of your website. Your website needs to be visually appealing and easy to navigate and understand. If your website is a blank page with text it shows you do not have expertise and that you can’t fix their problem.

Photo by Lukas Blazek on Unsplash

Having a visually appealing website makes you look good and convinces the customer you can solve their problems. Not only does your website need to look good it needs to be functional. People need to be able to navigate through your website without having to think. People with disabilities and conditions need to be able to use your website. You can use my my Balance Functionality and Creativity or my Low code blog to help.

Social Media Marketing

Now you have a website that doesn’t have traffic. Now what do you do? A consistently updated social media page can help. In this case, instead of paying for ads and such to direct customers to your website, you can use a social media page. Platforms like Instagram and Facebook personalize their vids that match their interest making it very easy to find your target audience. Uploading videos showing off your work or products can direct customers to your social media page and then from there your website. This saves money from spending it all on ads and allows traffic.

Photo by Cedrik Wesche on Unsplash

Coca-Cola advertised their beverages using a polar bear drinking their products. They put their ads everywhere. They grabbed the attention of the people on these platforms and were able to increase their brand awareness. Also increasing their sales

Challenges and Solutions

potential challenges you may face could be that you may not know how to make a website or a good social media page. We can use platforms that allow people to make a website by themselves with ease. No need to hire someone unless you have the extra money sitting around go ahead. As for a social media page, you may struggle to grab attention. People can scroll past your product or service if they are not interested. But these problems can be easily fixed while you learn and move on.


In conclusion, a website and a social media page can help market your business. Allowing more people to discover your product or service online and increasing trust and credibility among your target audience. You may face challenges as you go about making your website and social media page but you will learn as you go. Although there are challenges, building a website and social media page is very cheap. It costs little to no money to make a website and advertise on social media. Start now there is no risk in increasing your marking using these things I taught. There is nothing you can lose.
