Balance Functionality and Creativity in Web Design

Balance Functionality and Creativity

To be successful in Web development, you need to be able to balance functionality and creativity in your work. Understanding both of these skills allows you to master web development. Creativity allows you to grab the attention of users. Functionality allows users to interact with your website seamlessly. Having an imbalance may disrupt one another and reduce the user experience. We will be going over examples of balanced and imbalanced sites. 

Balancing Functionality

Functionality allows users to interact with your website seamlessly. If your users struggle with finding something they will lose interest in you and they will disengage from the site. To get a good functional website you need to learn user experience (UX) and user interface (UI). User experience helps users navigate through your website with ease, User interface focuses on the visuals and helps these interfaces look good. Understanding UI and UX will help your users find the things they need quickly and efficiently and help you or your client make a sale. Combining these two makes a good functionality. 

Balance Functionality and Creativity
Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash

Balancing Creativity

Creativity allows you to grab the attention of users and keep them engaged. A bad-looking site may make text hard to read or hard on users’ eyes which will disengage users from your site. To get a good-looking site you need to understand color theory, typography, and layout. Color theory will help you get good compliment colors. Typography can help communicate the tone and can help the site look better. Layout makes the site look good and helps convey the message of the design to the user. Balancing these two can be difficult. Going too far in either direction can make sites too visually appealing or too functional. Mastering these three elements will make your website look beautiful. 

Balance Functionality and Creativity
Photo by Hal Gatewood on Unsplash


The best way to test if your site has balanced functionality and creativity is to use real users. Real users don’t have to be strangers they can be your friends or family. Testing can help find any problems where your site is imbalanced. Then you can keep refining and testing your site until it is balanced.

Balance Functionality and Creativity
Photo by UX Indonesia on Unsplash


I’ll give some examples of what a site with a good balance site looks like and what an imbalanced site looks like. A good example of an imbalanced site is ZARA. They have multiple navigations making it difficult to find what you looking for. None of the links are interactive and the mobile menu is a little weird. Also, the site is laggy making it hard to use. The site is not consistent in colors and the white may be harsh on users eyes. There is not enough functionality on this site and way too much creativity.

A great example of a balanced website is Apple. Apple has consistent colors and interactive elements, Fonts are modern complimenting the site, and navigation is simple and is in one place. Also, notice when you scroll down they switch up the colors they have and show off their product. This is a great example of creativity. 


In Conclusion, to be successful in web development, you need to understand how to balance functionality and creativity. Functionality will help users find what they are looking for quickly and efficiently. Mastering UI and UX can make good functionality in your websites. Using color theory, typography, and layout will make good Creativity skills. Creativity will help keep your users engaged on your site and improve the chances of making a sale. An imbalance in these two can make your website look bad. As a result, it makes your users disengaged and costs you a sale. Testing can be used to find imbalances in your site and help make it balanced. This all helps balance functionality and creativity in web design.