Importance of Website Backups


Do you know how to backup your websites? Do you even know what a website backup is? A website backup is a copy of all your website files saved by an external source. A backup is the only way to restore your website in case it crashes or there are problems. Malware and viruses can harm your website. We will learn more about backups, what problems can happen, different types of backups, and what backup services you can use.

What are Website Backups

A backup is a copy of all your files on your website. If anything bad happens to your website, you will not be able to restore your website without a backup. We will discuss the bad things that can happen later. A backup of your website needs to be done regularly either manually or automatically using a backup service. 

website backup
Photo by Siyuan Hu on Unsplash

Backup Problems

A backup is needed when your website experiences problems. Your PC can crash, viruses and malware, updates may cause problems and mistakes you made. Computers can have problems too which may lead to problems with your website. Your PC may lose connection, power, etc while editing your website or saving it. Viruses and malware can break down your site bit by bit until it breaks down. New updates can mess up your website. Maybe not enough memory, it’s overloaded, and sometimes it breaks for no reason. 

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Photo by Elisa Ventur on Unsplash

Different Types of Backups

There are different types of backups. You have full, incremental, and differential backups. A full backup is a copy of all your website files saved on a storage device. Full backups take up more storage space and take longer to perform a backup. An incremental backup will save data that has changed from the last backup. Finally, A differential backup is similar it will save data that has changed but instead it copies and changes data from the last full backup rather than the most recent backup. This takes more time and space but less than the full-type backup. 

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Photo by Chris Yates on Unsplash

Benefits of a Backup

  • Access files anywhere
  • No need to worry about the loss of website files
  • Gives the website a protection layer
  • Increase business reputation
  • Recover files at any time
  • Configure a selective backup
  • Use cloud storage
  • Save money 
  • Easy to set up 
  • Save time

Backup services

  • IDrive Personal
  • Backblaze
  • Acronis Cyber Protect Home Office
  • CrashPlan 
  • SpiderOak One
  • Carbonite Safe


In conclusion, your websites need to have a backup. Backups copy all your website files and put them somewhere safe in case something happens to them. This will save you time, money, and increase your reputation. Problems like PC crashing, viruses, malware, updates, and mistakes you made can be possible problems that help someone lose/break someone’s website. We can use three different types of backups for this. Full. incremental, and differential. Pick the best one for you and start doing your backups. Backups can be done on automated services like IDrive Personal, Backblaze, Acronis Cyber Protect Home Office, etc. So please for the sake of your money and time. Start backing up your websites. 
